How the new Google Page User Experience will affect Car Dealer search
As the world’s leading search engine, Google has attained and maintained its dominant position through its continued focus on improving the user experience. In fact, Google’s algorithms today determine rankings for search results through an analysis of everything from authority to originality, content and more. Your automotive dealership may rely heavily on your website to drive traffic to your showroom, and a primary driving factor that drives traffic is maintaining a top position on search engine results pages. |
Google new user experience algorithms to go live in May 2021
Keeping up with the many changes that Google makes to its algorithms can be a challenge, but there is one important update that will go live in May 2021. This update for page experience signals may have a profound effect on rankings, so you need to take steps now to prepare for it. Factors Contributing to the Google Page Experience Factors like page load times and navigability are already being analyzed by Google’s bots to fairly rank a website’s placement in search results. While these factors directly impact the user experience, other factors will be taken into account by Google. For example, HTTPS security, safe browsing functions, mobile-friendly designs and interstitial guidelines will also be analyzed.
Identifying Areas That Require Improvement – Google Page Experience
There are a few different strategies that you can use to identify opportunities to improve your automotive dealership website’s page experience. You can obtain direct feedback from users and look at bounce rates and other stats for different pages throughout your website. You can also gain valuable information from PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse. As of May 2021, websites that deliver a great user experience may receive primary placement in the Top Stories feature as well as in the general results list.
Car dealers need to improve the User Experience for better Search Results Pages on Google
Improving the User Experience on the Search Results Pages Google states that the user experience begins before a user lands on a page. The ability of a user to select a website from search engine results that meets their needs is crucial to the overall Google page experience. Because of this, Google has announced that it may be taking into account the quality of the snippet and the image preview on search results pages as part of its ranking process. If this anticipated change to algorithms goes into effect, it likely will do so in May 2021 with the other updates related to the page experience. Finding an Easier Way to Achieve Consistently Excellent Placement on Search Results While the changes to search engine algorithms may be challenging enough to keep up with, monitoring keywords and competitors’ activities are some of the many other challenges that you must conquer if you want to achieve a solid placement on search engine results pages. Of course, you also need to consistently maintain that excellent placement once you achieve it.
Contact Customer Scout to grow your dealership on Google
Our online marketing experts at Customer Scout are eager to take control of these critical goals for you through our effective and industry-focused solutions. We specifically serve auto dealerships like yours, and we are ready to show you what we can do. Contact us today to learn more.